Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 18: Esta Es Mi Ultimo Semana

so.. i decided i would email you and let you know all the stories of my last week on the greatest adventure thus far in my life. 

bitter sweet feelings in my heart right now for sure. 

this last week has been one of the greatest weeks of my mission. i have seen more miracles this week than any other week of my mission. how blessed sister lightheart and i were for SURE this week. wow. 

something that i have realized this week is... God is good. God is greater than any of our greatest needs. he is my best friend. i am so grateful for all the knowledge i have of this wonderful gospel and the wonderful blessing that it is in my life. he has watched over me and protected me the entire time i  have been gone, and i know that he will continue to watch over and protect us all the rest of our lives. i have a feeling of peace and comfort knowing that God will take good care of all those people that i have met on this mission, and he will protect them. for that. i am grateful. 

monday: was my last p-day in the mission field. it was a great day. so many wonderful memories made with my sweet companion and the rest of the wonderful people in my mission, and in this area. we decided it might be a good idea to go out and explore our area. we went out and explored Key Biscayne. wow. so pretty. 

key biscayne (sorry.. car window photo quality.)

downtown view from the bridge of key biscayne

more key biscayne. so green!

we had a lesson planned with j******, but it fell through. kind of disapointing, because that was the last time i was going to see her and teach her... but it was ok. we needed to be obedient and harvest for an hour. there is a reason that it fell through. right? the Lord really wants us to be obedient. when we are obedient the Lord blesses us for SURE! he wants us to be able to receive all the blessings that he has in store for us. if we wouldn't have gone harvesting, we wouldn't have met 4 wonderful families, we wouldn't have had return appointments made, and we wouldn't have received new potential investigators. obedience is always the key to success.. :) 

graffiti on calle ocho

it was also the last FHE that i was going to have with the Garcia family. i think its safe to say that they were not very happy when i told them i had to leave. while i have been here the members of the ward have taken the missionaries in as their own children. i have adopted them as my family. it is so sad how close you get to people and then you have to say goodbyes. 

fort lauderdale florida temple

tuesday: holy cow. one of my favorite days on my mission thus far. MIRACLE. we were blessed to go to the temple with Tesla, Jose, and their family. all thanks to the Diaz family for the ride there! :) it was so fun to pull up to the temple with all the lights shining, and to see our favorite family standing outside waiting for us. i couldn't help but tear up at the sight of their smiling faces. pure joy. my heart was so full as we walked around the temple. we also explained some of the stuff that happens in the temple. Michelle wants to do baptisms so bad! 

michelle, sister snow, geraldo and gabriella

jose gomez, tesla aguilar and their family with sister snow at the temple

funny story.. we were rushing to meet up with the Diaz family and the elders in downtown. we got down there and had 5 minutes to wait for sister Diaz to finish with work. we hadn't eaten dinner yet, and one of the members gave us KFC. it was in the car.... so we pulled the car over to the side of the street and started to chow down on our dinner. we were hurrying because we didn't have much time before we were supposed to leave. sister lightheart and i got some weird looks from all the high class downtowners. but quite frankly.. i didn't care. i was starving. we then got in the car. drove all around downtown until we found the parking garage for our car... and then we hopped in the Diaz's car. we were on our way to the temple when sister lightheart tried to find the cell phone. i didn't have it. she didn't have it. she must have left it in the car. i didn't think anything of it.. and just went on with my excitement about the fact we were meeting our recent converts and an investigator at the temple! when we got back to the car... we discovered that sister lightheart had left the phone on the back window when she was eating dinner. there was a ledge between the window and the trim. oh man. she was so lucky that it didn't fall off when we were driving around downtown and that no sketchy dishonest person stole the phone.. God is good!

miracle: Z***** called us and told us that her 8 year old daughter, Yomara, was interested in being baptized. she asked us if we would come over and teach her the lessons. OF COURSE we would! :) we drove right on over there and shared the Restoration dvd with her. she loved it so much! it was so fun to watch her face and her excitement when Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father appeared to Joseph Smith. 

elder ebmeyer, elder comstock, elder gomez, elder felkins (DL), elder becker, elder brakey
sister lightheart, sister snow

wednesday: today i had my last district meeting as a missionary... it was a great training and i am so lucky to have been able to be there and participate and learn. i have a great district and a great zone. i got super duper lucky! it's kind of sad to think this chapter for me is coming to a close. but needless to say. i have been very very blessed. 

so.. Yomara decided she wanted to be baptized this sunday! :) yay! she is so wonderful and being a great example for her family. the only problem was we had lots of lessons to teach her and only had 2 days to teach them... but. God blessed us! 

we had the ward halloween party. this year sister lightheart and i dressed up as... MISSIONARIES. bet you couldn't have guessed that one?! 

thursday: some 50 some odd year old man asked for sister lightheart's hand in marriage during our harvest. again. me being my awkward self couldn't hold anything in.. and i just lost it. he was telling her how good of a heart she had and how no other man would treat her the way he wants to treat her. he went on and on for a good five minutes on why he was the one for her and why she should choose him to be her husband. i just sat there laughing the entire time. "tu tine un buena corazone!" "tu esta muy bonita!"  she just kindly looked at him and said. "I'm sorry but we have to go. it was nice to meet you. have a great day." she stuck her hand out to shake his... MISTAKE. he grabbed it and smacked a good wet one right on top. that took me over the edge. i literally lost it right there in front of his house. haha she walked away so embarrassed. she just has too good of a heart. all the men want her. ;) 

during our lesson with Yomara she told us how much she loved the Book of Mormon. her mom found her in her room the night before reading the introduction and the testimonies without anyone telling her to read. GOLDEN. she is so on track to her goal. what a wonderful person. i love her so so so much! she is very excited for this weekend and so are we. 

Javier invited us over to have dinner with him before we take off and go our separate ways. he had this HUGE meal.. and it was DELICIOUS! tasty ribs and dolphin fingers. i know i know. i ate dolphin. i am sorry.. but it was DE- LISH! 

friday: HAPPY HALLOWEEN. halloween was just a weird day for proselyting. people thought that we were there for candy. um. actually no. we are here to give you something. something that will change your life forever. are you ready for it? ;) 

we had a lesson with Yomara. at first i thought it was going really well. she loved what we were talking about and she looked so happy. but.. towards the end she wouldn't say anything. then all the sudden she wouldn't look at us anymore and she started to cry. her mom asked her what was wrong. then she said that ... she didn't want to get baptized anymore. my heart was broken. not because we weren't going to have "a baptism". that doesn't matter. i was heart broken because of how important this decision is, and how many blessings she would receive from this one step of faith. but we just assured her that it was ok.. and we had taught her everything very quickly. we weren't here to pressure her into anything that she didn't want to do, we were there to help her and support her with whatever decision she made. we just wanted her to know that God loved her and he sent us to her to help her feel that love. 

we were supposed to be home by 7:00 at night.. cause of all the sketchy people in downtown miami. :) we just packed our bags and watched church movies until bed time. it was wonderful to have that time to get organized and relax a little after ONE CRAZY DAY. i love being a missionary. :)

sister snow, g****, v*****, sister lightheart

oh yeah. we also went to say bye to G**** and V*****. i was so happy because V***** was there so i got to say bye and get a picture. (goal of the mission: ACCOMPLISHED haha just kidding.) it was interesting because victor was a completely different person. he wasn't on any drugs and he wasn't under the influence of alcohol. its so scary what that stuff can do to you.. and you have NO control. he told us that he didn't remember anything that happened the one really scary day. (the one that i was afraid for my life. day.) 

saturday: well happy November 1st folks. 2 days and i get to hug you all to death. :) it was my last day harvesting. not going to lie. i was kind of sad. i had seen so many wonderful miracles come from all of my harvesting experiences, and some of those prayers that we had said were some of the most spiritual experiences on my mission. 

Doris really wanted to show us how to make baleadas... so we went over there. it was so fun. note: i do not have the talent of making tortillas. she was trying to show me how to flatten out the balls of dough for the tortillas.. she started tossing it around back and forth between her hands.. so i just decided to follow along. well. yeah i was not blessed with the coordination i guess. i threw it to one hand. it flew off the other. and clear across the kitchen. i was hoping no one saw.. well EVERYONE saw. so... yeah. cool. lets just say we all got a good long laugh out of that one. 
making baleadas with doris hernandez

the young men in the ward taught a class about the importance of the sacrament and what it's all about. it was meant for non-members, less actives, or new converts.. but only active members showed up. it was still a wonderful class, and i can guarantee every single person learned something new from it. it was a wonderful experience. i love those young men oh so much!

we went over to Yomara house  with the zone leaders.. even though she told us she didn't want to get baptized, we still went over to make sure that she was ok.. and didn't hate us. we played a jenga tower of the gospel game with the kids. they loved it. it was fun to just relax the situation and still teach her about the gospel in a comfortable environment for her. after we finished the game.. she decided that she still wanted to get baptized sunday... and PASSED HER INTERVIEW. it was a great miracle and a huge blessing! i was so happy for her. she was extremely happy as well and was super excited for the next day. Z***** and Samuel wanted to make all of us lunch and invited us all to stay and eat lunch with them. they made tostadas. Oh My Gosh. So good! I was in heaven. I never got Mexican food so when Z***** would cook.. i was stoked! :) 

the last day in the mission field: 

Sunday November 2nd. 2014 
sister snow, yomara, sister lightheart

sister snow, nahuel, sister lightheart
yomara and her family

Yomara was baptized. she was the happiest i have ever seen her. i don't think i have ever seen her as happy as she was at that moment when she came out of the water and looked at all the smiling faces. it was super exciting as well because Nahuel Pardo actually baptized her. he is a young man from the ward that is preparing to serve a mission. we were so happy that he was willing and very excited to baptized Yomara. 

sister snow, javier fernandez, sister lightheart, patty quevedo

as i was saying bye to all the members of the ward, my heart was just breaking. how in the world was i supposed to say goodbye to all of these wonderful people that completely changed my life. literally. they would just hug me forever and tell me how much they loved me and how much they were going to miss me. little by little my heart was breaking. these were my people. this was my life for the past 4 months. how was i supposed to say goodbye to this.. knowing i might never be able to come back? 

Doris grabbed me and gave me the biggest hug. she just cried while telling me how much she appreciated what i had done for her. i did nothing. it was all the Lord. i just got lucky. God trusted me to help him in this work. he gave me the opportunity to be the instrument in his hands that brought Doris to the truth. what a privilege. really.

Z***** gave me the biggest hug and said. "because of the two of you.. i am here. i am in this building, and my life is now on this wonderful path. i have the chance now.. to be the person i never was and the person that i want to be. how did i get so lucky?" she was so sad. i never thought it was going to be that hard to say goodbye to all of these people. 

the worst was.. saying goodbye to Michelle, Geraldo, and Tesla. i felt like they were mine. i had met them my very first day in the mission field. the very first day in my area. i had known them from day one. they ARE my family. they held on to us for 15 minutes begging us not to leave. tears running down our faces. we had to get in the car and drive off. hardest moment of my mission. 

the car all packed up and ready to leave miami to head for the mission home for the night

i left my heart in riverside south. 

why God trusted me. a 19 year old girl who knows nothing to share this precious message with his precious children. i felt inadequate. but i learned that it doesn't matter. God qualifies those that he calls. there was a reason that i was sent to riverside south. i was supposed to meet these wonderful people. that was a promise that i had been given. i was to find those that i had met previously.. and i told them i would find them. i know with all my heart that i met those i had promised i would find, and i was privileged to bring the peace and the joy of the gospel into their homes and lives. even though my mission was cut short.. and it was not the plan, i was still EXTREMELY lucky that the Lord had trusted me and called me to serve his precious children. It may have only been 4 months. but i can honestly say with all of my heart, that those 4 months were the best 4 months of my entire life. 

i love being a missionary. this is the life! what a blessing!!

love you all so very much. 

con amor -- Hermana Snow

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Week 17: Mountains to Climb

Ok.  Wow.  I feel like this week went by so fast.  It seems like I was just emailing you, telling you about the previous week yesterday.  Mission time.  I tell ya,  its not normal... haha
I don't even know where to begin.  Bittersweet feelings all week long but I am hanging in there.
Monday.. bless their hearts, we got a phone call from the Elders.  There was a dead rat in the wall of their house.  They said it SMELT HORRID.  I can only imagine.  They had to stay at their house all day long... for p-day... because someone was supposed to come help them out.. and they never showed up. I  am surprised they didn't die... but... later on down the week they just decided to climb up in the attic themselves and find it.  Turns out it was a HUGE Possum.  Sooo gross.   They are good sports for putting up with so much. (You'll find out what I mean later.)
Tuesday, Melanie came out with us.. all day... and she got the phone call... "YOUR MISSION CALL CAME IN THE MAIL!!" So.. needless to say we drove to her house and .. peeked maybe. ;) We made a tiny hole in the envelope and looked at where she was going because her mom didn't want to know. :) Such a funny experience.  Never ever have I had permission to peek at someone's call.  It was awesome.  She's going to be a FABULOUS missionary.  She was called to serve in Mexico City North... Speaking Spanish, obviously, and she leaves to the Provo MTC on March 4th. :)  We are sooooo excited for her! :)
Melanie gets her Mission Call

We taught a lesson to Z*****, who we had previously taught and ended up dropping just a few weeks ago.  She called us and said that she wanted us to come teach her again and she received an answer from God that this is the church she is supposed to be a part of.  MIRACLE.  Complete 180 change from the last time we visited her.  I LOVE HER.  She told us that she has really loved going to church and loves everyone there.  BLESSINGS.
Wednesday….  So the people here buy a lot of their clothes at Goodwill but sometimes they can't read what the clothes say because they are in English and don't understand what they mean.  Anyway, we went to teach Doris and she was wearing this t-shirt.  It said... "Status Update: I am in a Relationship."  I about passed out laughing.  We asked her if she understood the meaning… yep, no.  Funny thing is I think her son who knows English picks out the shirts for his parents.. whatever.  Then her husband, Rene, walks up and his shirt says "Something not so chill happened last night." haha  I died laughing, almost to the point of tears.  These people are so funny.  It kills me.  I LOVE THEM! :)  Doris told us about a dream that she had.  She wasn't able to go do the temple work for her mom last week because she was sick when the ward went to the temple.  She was so heartbroken.  Then she had this dream. She saw her mom and her mom was sad.  Then her dad appeared and he just kept saying. "Nefi Ocho. Nefi Ocho." (Nephi 8)  So.. when she woke up she tried to find Nephi 8.  It doesn't exist.  so she asked us and we told her maybe he was meaning 1 Nephi chapter 8.  Turns out…it  is the vision of the tree of life.  Lehi's Dream. 
Thursday was kind of tough.  We don't have a very big teaching pool right now, and we went to go visit J**** and C*****.  We were on our way to invite them to be baptized.  When we walked in, they were so happy to see us but they told us that they needed to tell us something.  They told us that they believe everything that we have been teaching them but they feel like right now is not the time.  They have some hard things that they are trying to work out right now and its hard for them to come to church.  They felt bad because they were never able to keep their commitment to come to church.  They said that they feel like they will be baptized later on down the road but right now isn't the time.  I wanted to cry.  It was like I had to say bye to my kids.  Ugh.  I HAVE FAITH that they will accept this message later on down the road.  I hope missionaries go back to see them!
Friday was a great day.  Well... we were asked the question by our zone leaders, "Do you feel Godly sorrow for your inability to baptize?"  I was so frustrated.  We are trying.  We are trying our hardest to find those that are willing to accept the gospel.  God has different plans for Sister Lightheart and I right now.  I felt like a huge failure.  Like I wasn't making a difference  AT ALL.   But my lovely companion, who always knows exactly what to say, looked at me and said, "Sister Snow,  I want you to know that I have felt like I have been the best and most successful missionary with you as a companion."  She is wonderful!  

Sister Calvo, Sister Lightheart, Sister Karl and Sister Snow
We also had a huge ward party where we celebrated all the Latin countries.  Everyone brought the traditional food and wore the traditional outfits.  It was so fun.  America, you bet we represented you. Sister Lightheart and I made a cake from a box and the other American members of the ward brought….. McDonalds and Burger King.  SO FUNNY!  The kids went crazy over our table.. ;)

Our USA table

Brother Diaz from Chile

Wearing Our Red, White and Blue
Alejandra, Hermana Snow and Melanie
Saturday we went to invite Javier to church.  He was asleep in his car outside his house with his seat belt on.  At first we thought he might be dead or passed out...but no, he was just asleep.  We woke him up, shared a gospel message and walked away thinking.. "that was awkward."  haha Something I will never forget.  We got a good laugh out of that one.  

"I can't believe she trusted me to cut her hair!"

We taught Z***** again and she told us that she has plans to get married so she can get baptized.  Its a difficult situation right now but they are working on it.  Probably in a few months. :)  I am so happy that she accepted this message and knows exactly what she needs to do in order to receive the blessings that God has in store for her and her family.
Sunday our ward was changed to ONLY Spanish so the English speakers have to go to a different ward now.  Sad day.  It's officially the Riverside Spanish ward which means all of our English speaking investigators have to be given to a different set of missionaries... good thing we don't have any! :)  Javier came to church.  #rescued!  WE WERE SOOO HAPPY! :) :) :) 

Sister Carranza, Sister Snow and Elizabeth
We have dinner with them every Sunday.
We visited Geraldo and Michelle and their family…. and they were heartbroken to hear the news.  But, they understand.

Geraldo and Hermana Snow

Oh, and the Elders were harvesting.. and they watched as their bikes got stolen.  Broken lock. Everything gone.  I felt sooo bad for them.  I was going to let them ride Susana Oria this last week...but then they got new "ghetto bikes" (using their words).  Bless their hearts. Literally, it was a rough week.
During my scripture study this morning, I came across a scripture that I loved.  Mosiah 4:9. "Believe in God; believe that He is, and that He created all things, both in Heaven and in Earth; Believe that He has all wisdom, and all power, both in Heaven and in Earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend." I don't know why I loved that so much.. but this morning it really touched my heart.  Simple statement.  Believe in God.  We HAVE to have faith.  Without it we would have no reason to do anything.  Have faith that we will someday become something that God is shaping us into.  Have faith that we really do have a purpose and that the work that missionaries are doing everyday has a purpose.  Sometimes it is difficult because we don't see the immediate fruits of our labors.. but we have faith and that's all we can have.
I love you all so much.  My heart is so full today!  You ARE THE BEST! <3 <3
Con Amor-
Hermana Snow


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week 16: Another Little Week of Miracles

Well.. first off I want to say sorry for not giving Dad a birthday shout out in my email last week.  I was so rushed with time that it slipped my mind but I am very glad he got my birthday card! :) so... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, DAD!

Tuesday was our p-day last week.  Sister Lightheart decided to be adventurous and attack Calle Ocho, The Little Havana.  It was awesome.  We fit in right along with all the other white tourists.  The Cubans love to put parties on for the white people that walk past and they serenade you, too.  They are just too kind.  It was fun.  

We visited Geraldo and Michelle.  Tesla told us that she has a wedding date for the 16th of December and asked if we would be a part of it.  Oh man.  Broken heart.  We will be there in spirit for sure.  I can't wait for her to be baptized and then sealed.  What a beautiful thing! :) They are the best family.  I know that God has some really amazing plans for that family! :)

Wednesday we had interviews with President Richardson and Sister Richardson.  THEY WERE AMAZING.  Afterward, we went to see how G**** was doing and to see if V***** was home from the hospital.  She said that they had transferred him to a specialty hospital.  They wanted to keep him for 2 weeks to see how he was doing and if they could figure out why this happened... I CAN TELL YOU WHY. haha  She said that she really wants to send him to an adult living facility where they can help take care of him and control his meds.  haha GOOD LUCK!  This family is hilarious.  Every time I hear more stories or more things that happen during the week I can't help but think.. a dramatic television show should be made out of this!  :) haha

Thursday we set J**** and C***** with baptismal dates.  November 1st... but they had to come to church in order to keep that date and they didn't come... :( which means we will probably have to drop talk them this week.  Soooo hard to do as a missionary.  They are wonderful though and I know that one day they will accept this message.  They love the Book of Mormon and have a testimony of Joseph Smith.. but they don't act on the commitments we give them.. like come to church.  Sad day.  It was kind of a hard day.  All of our appointments were falling through and no one wanted to listen to us... and then Sister Lightheart felt like she should follow up with the wife of one of her recent converts. When we pulled up… E*****, her recent convert, was there and he was smoking.  HEART BREAKING.  We then taught him a lesson about commandments and repentance and how important his decisions were now because he had entered the covenant of baptism.  I think it made him feel really bad.  He asked us why we were so happy.. and why we were so receptive to the Spirit.  Well, its easy. Keep the commandments!? :)

Friday we did a harvesting exchange and a harvesting blitz.  All the missionaries in our district, the zone leaders, and the sister training leaders came to harvest in our area.  10 missionaries in one neighborhood all sharing prayers with families.  It was powerful! :) I was put with Sister Karl who is AMAZING.  She doesn't speak Spanish.. so I was freaked out.. but I DID IT! :)  God is great!  Geraldo and Michelle taught us the Plan of Salvation when we went over to their house. :) THEY ARE SOOO AMAZING!  What a wonderful family.  God has great plans for them.  Geraldo asks me everyday when I am going to come over and hang out with him.  What a cute kid!  (I think he has a little crush... its ok.  so do I.. :) just kidding.)

Saturday we invited one of the ward members to come out with us on some visits.  We went to visit M**** and her family that we had been trying to get a hold of all week long.  We walked up to the door and there was a party going on inside.  We knocked.  It went silent.  We knocked again.  Someone looked through the hole and didn't open the door.  This ward member got SOOOO mad and started to pound on the door saying, "We are here to see you and bring you this special message.  Open the door."  Sister Lightheart and I were soo embarrassed.  We had to ask her to stop and kindly told her how as missionaries one of the hardest lessons you have to learn is respecting there people's free agency.  That is something that you can't take away from them.. and you can't force them to open the door and accept your message.  She was sooo frustrated.  We took her to see one of the inactive members in the ward that we have been working with from my very first week in this area, J*****. J***** is very stubborn and makes excuses for not coming... but we thought that this member would be a great match for him. :) So.. they just had a wonderful conversation about who knows what.. and at the end we told him how much God wanted him to come back to church.  He hasn't been in years.  He told us he wants to go to the temple.  PERFECT!  Come to church and we will help you get there. :)

Sunday.... J***** CAME TO CHURCH.  This has been Sister Lightheart's goal from day one with me.  GET J***** TO COME TO CHURCH and WE DID IT.  God DID IT! :)  We were so happy. I almost passed out when I saw him sitting in the chapel.  Miracles happen, everyone.  They really are real. :)  J**** and C***** unfortunately didn't come.. so we have to drop them! :(  But… M***** and C***** and E**** have baptismal dates for November 8th.  So that is a miracle.  M***** still likes to call us by our first names.  We are working on that one... haha.  G**** came to church and she told us that V***** can move his fingers now so the hospital released him….. with a prescription of oxycodone.  So... I will keep ya'll updated this week and let you know how this weeks drama goes! :)  haha

Almost Paradise, 107 degrees

Our Church Building 

Its still an adventure here in Riverside South everyday. ;)  Never a dull moment.

I love you all and appreciate everything you do to support me! :)

Con Amor-

Hermana Snow

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Week #….I don't remember

Wow!  What a week.


Monday, after we had finished emailing and were sitting at home writing letters, we received an interesting phone call.  It was from G****.  She wasn't really talking to us.  It was more of a background conversation.  We didn't hear much of what was going on.. but needless to say it didn't sound too good. So we asked her if we could come by.  She said yes.  So.. we jumped in the car.  My heart was in my stomach.  As we were driving over there, we got another phone call from her.  It was her telling V***** to leave her alone and not touch her.  Then she would yell for help.  She was calling us because V***** was abusing her.  We called the police.  Not sure if missionaries are supposed to do that.. but we did it anyway.
We showed up and she told us that he was doing cocaine and he was trying to steal money from her.  She wouldn't let him take it.  He asked us if we wanted to drink with him... literally he was fried and soooo gone.  He was waving his wine around and Sister Lightheart and I wanted to leave.  We asked G**** to leave with us.. and we ended up getting V***** kicked out.  HALLELUJAH.  The police told G****...  HE IS BAD NEWS.  Really?  haha It is like a reality TV show with them everyday.  SO DRAMATIC.
Tuesday, we taught G**** and she was so excited for baptism.  She was so happy that V***** was finally gone! :) YAY!  She told us this is something that she has been waiting for.  She wants to feel a part of a wonderful church.

Wednesday, Sister Lightheart and I were harvesting, working really hard to find those "elect" anddddd we got kicked out.  We got kicked out by this woman from Jerusalem.  We ended up asking her about her religious beliefs.  She said that she was living with her Catholic friend when she got a knock on the door.  It was two young men in white shirts and ties.  They asked if they were interested in learning more about Jesus Christ and she said.. YES!  So.. they taught her and she said they baptized her.  She doesn't remember what church...... awkward.  So.... then we told her what we were doing and what we believed.  Then she started telling us how she doesn't like Mormons.. so we tried to give her a Book of Mormon and she declined it.  It was an interesting day.. and an interesting experience.
Thursday we got a text. "V** came back.  I let him in.  I can't let him live on the streets." NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  I just started to cry.  We had do drop G****.  Hardest day of my life.  She was crying.  I was crying.  It was a mess.  
Friday, we taught T****** and A***, the mother and son that we harvested into last Sunday.  It was amazing. T****** asked me what she needed to do to be baptized.  It was SOOO AWESOME! :) 

Then.. while I was driving, there was a man that was laying in the street.  He was far away so I couldn't tell what was happening.. but then all the sudden he starts to shake uncontrollably.  I was freaking out.  I didn't know what to do.  Luckily there were people that started to run over to him and the EMS showed up pretty quickly.  It was terrifying.
Saturday, G**** called.  V***** had a heart attack.  She told us that the Doctor gave him Ambien to help him get off of the meds that he was addicted to...... and he took 21 of them before going to bed, probably trying to commit suicide.  I tell you.  He is a mess.  His left arm is paralyzed now. SOMEONE HELP HIM.
Sunday, while we were harvesting, this little girl yelled out her window, "COME HERE!!"  But we kept walking.  She yelled at us again. "COME BACK!" So... we went back.. about an hour later. :) haha It was a cute little family from Honduras.  They had 3 kids.  D****, I*******, and A******. :) A****** is the one that was yelling out of the window.  I instantly fell in love with this family.  We prayed with them and it was awesome!  They want us to come back.  I gave the kids some CTR rings and they were so excited!  Hopefully that motivates them. ha :)  

I also ate real coconut, like straight out of a coconut.  Its disgusting.  And the coconut water.  The Pina family was laughing at me.

Sister Lightheart and Sister Snow with the Pina Family
Monday we had an amazing lesson with J******.  She is sooooo ready for everything!  I hope her mom lets her get baptized!  She is such an amazing person with a wonderful heart and so prepared for the gospel.  We taught her the Restoration and she loved it!  She is really excited to keep reading the Book of Mormon.
I love you all!  You are the best family ever!
Con Amor-

Hermana Snow

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Week 14: NUTS

Well, what a week.  One word to describe my mission, everything about it.  NUTS.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT LIZZIE! :) I love you.  I hope you got the card that I sent!  And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLLIN! :)  Sorry I can't bring you a giant cupcake for your birthday again this year.

Its interesting how mission time works.  The days feel like weeks but the weeks feel like days.  Its really hard to explain.

Wasn't conference just wonderful? I  am so grateful for a wonderful prophet that receives divine revelation for the members of the church in these latter days.  Conference as a missionary is better than Christmas!  I felt like I was eating candy straight for two whole days.  I was soooo happy.  Now we just have to wait six more months. :) So many things that were said in conference really helped me gain strength and confidence in the Lord. 

Wednesday I started month #4.  October.  Mission time.  I tell you.  It's weird.  It was transfers this week.. and obviously I am still in Riverside South with wonderful amazing Sister Lightheart.  She is AN ANGEL.  I love her.  Elder Flores, our district leader, and one of the Elders in our ward got transferred.  I wanted to cry.  He is such an amazing missionary.  We are blessed with Elder Felkins as our district leader now and Elder Ebmeyer from California as the new missionary in the ward.  I am so excited to get to know both of these Elders a little better and receive wonderful counsel from them. :) 

We visited V***** and G****.  It was rough.  V***** looked so awful.  His face was all red and rashy and, of course, he blamed it on the doctors and the "medicine" that they were "giving" him.  I wish he would just be honest with us so that we could actually do something to help him.  He left during the lesson and went out on the balcony outside their apartment.  We could see him out there.. and he was doing his drugs right outside on the porch.  He thought that we couldn't see.  Sister Lightheart and I just looked at each other.  He is changing G****'s outlook on a lot of things and bringing a terrible influence into the home again.  Its so frustrating.  At least he didn't open the door without clothes on again.  Yikes.

Thursday we read the Book of Mormon with Doris.  It was amazing because we were there to help her understand a lot of things.  Its wonderful when your recent converts begins to understand the importance of things and then they share their testimony with you.  SHE IS AN AMAZING WOMAN, despite all her trials and challenges.  

V***** also called us to tell us that he "is doing ok."  We haven't received a phone call from him in weeks.  It was a surprise.  Sometimes we don't understand him and the things he says.. mostly because he doesn't understand what he is saying either.  Oh, the people here in Miami.  

We got a referral from a member in the ward.  WE LOVE MEMBER REFERRALS.  It was amazing. She is a single young 22 year old mother with the cutest 2 year old that I have ever seen in my life. <3 She wants us to come back and teach her more.  She is not sure about baptism yet, but thinks that its important.  We are going back this week to teach her more!   I will keep you updated.

Friday we have these investigators (son and mother… M***** and E****) that call Sister Lightheart and I "Krystina and Abigail".  We tried to burn into his (the son's) brain the importance of calling us Sister Snow and Sister Lightheart.  He doesn't really understand.  haha So... we will see this week what happens.  He is nuts.  Every time we go, he gives us Sprite and Jello.  He says its good for your body especially your knees.  haha Cubans.  They are amazing! 

Also... we had 30 minutes left of proselyting time and we didn't have an appointment, so we decided to go check up with P**** and his mom, M***.  We wanted to know how the teaching was going with the Elders that we referred him to.  The minute we walked in he yelled for us to go in and talk to his mom.  He was busy so we started to talk to M***.  He then walked in... and asked us if we could give him a hug.  No. "P****, we can't give you hugs.  We are missionaries."  Then he walked up really close to Sister Lightheart's face and told her that he had a secret for her.  I was so scared for her.  We told P**** that if he had a secret he had to let both of us hear it... so he would need to say it out loud.  Then he just let it all go.  "Sister Lightheart, I believe that God sent you here to me for a reason.  I think you are the girl for me.  You are the girl of my dreams and I will do anything for you."  I was shocked.  She kindly said, "P****, I am a missionary."  Then a few minutes later he said, "Sister Lightheart, can I tell you something?  I think that we are meant to be together.  You are the girl of my dreams and the love of my life."  Then Sister Lightheart said, "P****!  I HAVE A BOYFRIEND."  That shut him up quickly.  Then he looked at me and said, "What about you, Snow?" "Yeah. Sorry. I have a boyfriend, too."  Heart broken.  Needless to say.. we got out of there as fast as we could.  After we took some pictures so I could send them home! :) haha

P**** and Sister Snow

Saturday CONFERENCE WAS WONDERFUL! :)  I loved everything about it.  My favorite talk on Saturday was probably President Uchtdorf's talk.  The Restoration is something so important and all members of the church should have a firm testimony of it.  Either its true or its not.  We are able to receive Divine light from God and He will answer the questions that we have.  I have seen that in my life just this week!  God is amazing! :)

The Conference Tradition, Sugar Cereal

Sunday, CONFERENCE ROUND TWO!  Wasn't Elder Bednar's talk wonderful?  I encourage each of you to share that talk with one of your nonmember friends.  Let them know why the gospel is important to you and why we are so excited to share.  

Last night,  we visited the Gomez family and played Jenga with them.  We taught the importance of the apostles and prophets and the Restoration in strengthening the church.

We were harvesting and they were a bunch of mean, sassy Americans that would just slam the door on us.  It was frustrating, but I was positive that the Lord sent us there for a reason.  I was saying a prayer in my heart the entire time to find a family that needed the gospel.  We knocked on one of the last doors in the apartment complex.  A Cuban woman opened the door.  As soon as she opened the door, my heart had an overwhelming feeling of love.  I knew that I had met her in the life before this one, and I had promised her I would come and bring her the gospel of Jesus Christ.  She only opened her door a crack and asked us who we were.  We told her that we were representatives of Jesus Christ and we had a special prayer for her.  She opened the door and let us into the house.  She was so happy that we were there.  We said a prayer for her and her son, and as soon as we looked at her eyes we knew that she felt the Spirit.  The look in her eyes was different.  She told us that it was the most beautiful prayer that she had heard and she wanted us to help her teenage daughter.  She told us that she would come to church but that she wanted us to come back and teach her more.  SHE ACCEPTED BAPTISM TOO!  We were so happy.  After Sister Lightheart and I left, we felt so close to the Lord and just prayed for a few minutes thanking him for the miracle that He had performed. MIRACLE.

I have a strong testimony that the Lord will always provide a way for us.  I know that He is watching over each and everyone one of us and He will answer our prayers.  I am so excited to hear more about what miracles you are all seeing in your lives.  Try to be the best missionary you can be.

I love you all so much!  Keep working hard.

Con Amor-

Hermana Snow

Lizards in the House, EWW!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Week 13: What a Week

Today has definitely been a roller coaster.  Not something I would have signed up for had I had a say in anything.  This mission has thrown me into all kinds of situations, good and bad.
Monday we were harvesting and saw this man sitting on his porch.  We decided to talk to him and he kept giving us excuses why he couldn't pray with us.  Finally he told us that we needed to pray with his neighbor so he knocked on the door... and out came Hermana Carrena, from the ward.  Talk about awkward.  We didn't even know who she was.  That was something we have been afraid of happening... haha oh well.
Tuesday we got a phone call from G****.  V***** is back.  I told you last week he had called and told her that he found a new woman.... yeah.   He was lying.  He just wanted to get back in the house and then tell her that he really is homeless and if she didn't let him live with her than he has no place to go.  Rough.. he is good with his lies and she has too good of a heart to say no.  But we have wonderful news, G**** told us that she has cut back from 30 cigarettes a day to 8!  MIRACLE.  We are a little lost.  What are we supposed to do now that V***** is back?  If they are living baptism for G****!  Help!
Wednesday we had a "fire exchange" with the Sister Training Leaders.  They are sooo wonderful!  I love them a lot!  I found so many wonderful people with Sister Montoya.  So many miracles.  We also had district training about patience.  It was something that I really have been trying to focus on.  Learning to have patience with myself, others, and the Lord has been something that I have struggled with a lot lately.  On the mission, I have felt so many different emotions.  Some that I never even knew existed.  I have felt the lowest of lows... and the highest of highs.  Sister Lightheart and I decided that we would harvest a little more than usual... until we found people that wanted to pray with us.  MIRACLE.  The Lord blesses those who are obedient. ;)  We found so many wonderful people that wanted to pray with us and are interested in hearing more about the gospel. :)  Even a pastor of a different church wants to learn more! So cool!!)
Thursday we had an amazing mission training with the south zones of the mission.  It was WONDERFUL!  I learned so much, and have many things that I want to apply to my missionary work.  The thing that we are focusing a lot on right now is rescuing the lost sheep.  So.... we have a new key indicator, "The Rescue" .  I definitely know that this is from God!  We have the best of the best here in Fort Lauderdale.  They are sooo inspired!
Friday we were harvesting and found the cutest little old man.   Ok, he wasn't little.  Maybe 6 something.. which is way tall for Latinos.  He must have been 90 something.  We prayed with him and he was so happy.  He told us that he wanted us to come back and teach him more.  I love when people we meet say that! :)  It makes us feel like what we are doing really is helping them!  To try to explain to you what he looks like... you know the Pixar short film... the old man playing chess at the park?  Must be twins. :) 
Saturday we went to the General Womens Conference.  Wasn't it wonderful!?  I love the leaders of the church!  They are so inspired.  It was such a blessing that we were able to watch it live!  

Sisters of the Riverside Ward 

Also, we visited our new investigator N****.  She is so wonderful!  We love her so much!  She said that she loves to read the Book of Mormon!  She loves it so much that she invited her friend over to read it with her!  We were shocked! ;)  Missionary work is the best!
Sunday Victoria was finally baptized! :) Yay!  We have been waiting for a few weeks.  I taught Victoria the lessons my first few days here in Riverside Ward :)  She's wonderful!

Sister Pina, Hermana Snow and Hermana Lightheart with Victoria

Victoria and Hermana Snow

Also, Geraldo and Michelle were confirmed. :)  I was freaking out because the Bishop stood up to announce their confirmation in Sacrament meeting and they weren't there.  Rght as he started to speak, they walked in.  Sundays on a mission are so stressful.
Yesterday was nuts!  That's how all proselyting Mondays are.  We went to visit G****... and V***** opened the door.  I am not sure if he was sober.  He was not wearing any clothes.  Scarred for life.  Miami is nuts!  But... we found 3 new investigators which rarely happens!  MIRACLE! :) One of them is a girlfriend of a young man in the ward from one of my favorite families here.   She is 17 and is so fun and cute!  She is really interested in learning more.  I have learned to love member referrals.  They are the best! :)
Even though things are a lot harder than I ever imagined they would be... I have faith that things happen for a reason.  I am grateful for the experiences that I have had thus far and am looking forward to more that are to come.
I love you all! :)
Con Amor-
Hermana Snow
PS.  The orange bike has been put to good use this week.  My district leader wanted to ride it... so he's been sporting the nice orange cruiser around Miami!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Week 12: Week of Baptisms

Ok.  Wow.  I don't even know where to begin.  This week was nuts!


Geraldo, Hermana Snow and Michelle

Monday with the grocery store boy...  we ran into him again and this week it was something different.  It went a little like this, me: "Hey!  How are you this week?  Are you having a good week?"  Him: "Woowee.  Ugh.  Dang.  I am so good babe.  Ugh.  Wow.  Oooo, hot dang."  I just laughed and had to walk away.  Speechless.

G**** called us and told us that she had a story for us.  She was sitting on the bus coming home from the grocery store... maybe?  We couldn't hear her very well... but she was sitting by this man and he asked her if she was Catholic.  She said that she looked at him a little confused like... "where did that come from?" Then she said, out of nowhere, she looked at him and said, "No.  I'm Mormon." She was so excited to tell us that.  SHE IS SO CUTE!  I LOVE HER!  I love the fact that she got so excited about that little situation that she had to call us and tell us.  Please, family.  I need you to come to Miami and meet this wonderful lady.  She is soooooo amazing.

Tuesday we went and visited G****.  She is so cute.  She was really down and actually didn't want to let us into her house.  Something happened..... in the middle of the night she got a phone call from a local hospital.  They called to tell her that V***** was in the hospital on suicide watch and he put her down as a family member.  It really made her frustrated.  She thought that he was gone forever.  Then he called her again and asked if he could come back because he has no family or friends and no place to live.  The hospital was keeping him for a week in the psych ward so that they could watch him and he was giving her a week to make up her mind.  She was so lost because she didn't want him to do something harmful to himself and she also didn't want the negative influence in her life anymore.  She really needed our help.  As missionaries, there isn't much we can do except for helping her learn more and helping increase her testimony.  Never a dull moment in Miami.  

We went to go talk to a family that we had met that said they would be interested in learning more.  We knocked on their door and they weren't home.  We were a little bummed and started to walk away. Sister Lightheart was really inspired because she said, "Wait, let's write them a note and let them know that we stopped by."  We walked back to the door and she started to write the note.   A man came walking up the stairs.  I waved at him and started to have a conversation.  He was really happy and had a lot of questions about the gospel.  Come to find out he lived in a house that we had knocked a couple weeks before to harvest bless and he wasn't interested at all and went immediately upstairs.  His wife and son prayed with us and seemed kind of interested.  Turns out his daughter is a member and he has thought about the church before.  We asked him if we could come back another day when we had more time to actually teach him something and he said.... YES! :) The hearts are being softened one day at a time.  

We had the last lesson with the Geraldo and Michelle before their baptism.  Ok.  Seriously, they are the cutest things on the planet.  They are just like family to me.  Also, Tesla and Jose told us that they are planning to get married in December... and Tesla will be baptized the next week.  TEMPLE TRIP NEXT DECEMBER! ;) 

My Awesome District with the Zone Leaders
L to R, Back Row:  Elders Gomez, Brakey, Felkins, Becker
Middle Row:  Hermanas Snow and Lightheart
Front Row:  Elders Comstock and Flores

Wednesday I got a wonderful package from Grandma Snow.  THANK YOU!  It has helped with the bug problem so much!  I no longer look like a crazy person constantly scratching my legs.  I don't look like I have chicken pox, either.  YAY!  You are so wonderful!  

Sister Lightheart and I decided that we wanted to talk to P**** and see how the lessons with the Elders were going and how he was feeling about baptism.. haha Yeah.. found out he smokes a lot of weed.... which explains a lot about the strange comments and all other adventures we have with P****.  His "cousin" B****** also got out of jail that day so we talked to him instead.  He has so many questions about the truth and asked us if we will have a Bible study with him so he can hear what our beliefs are.  He also told us that he really wants to change his life.  He didn't like jail life, I guess.  WHAT A MIRACLE! ;) 

We had FHE and I planned the lesson.  This is really big.. because I can't do anything in Spanish.   BUT I DID IT!  Yay!  It made me so happy.  It was wonderful.

Elders Gomez and Flores, the Garcia Family, Hermanas Snow and Lightheart

Afterwards, Doris told us that she would like to go to the temple with the ward on Saturday…"Uh.. what?  You need to be confirmed first." So right then and there, during ward activities, we put it on hold and the Bishop confirmed her. She has SO MUCH FAITH and WONDERFUL DESIRES.  She was only a member of the church for 6 days and went to the temple... she is a wonderful example of what kind of desires we should have. So I want to challenge you all to the go to the temple and do baptisms once a month as a family! I understand that you are busy... but when you make time for the Lord, He will provide!

Thursday we had a trainee/ trainer meeting with the President and MY LONG LOST FAMILY.  It was SOOOO good to see them and catch up!  Oh man.  I have missed them. 

CCM Sisters:  Bradley, Rowley, Jackson and Snow

Because we had to drive all the way to Fort Lauderdale, we decided that we should ride our bikes to save miles.  Never. in. my. life. have. more. men. honked. and. made. kissy. noises. out. of. their. car. windows.  I was DYING!  Oh man... Latinos…

We had a lesson with G****... and SHE ACCEPTED A BAPTISM DATE FOR THE 26th OF OCTOBER.  That is a miracle.  At first, she chose December and then we told her that we have no idea if we will still be in the area in December... so she chose the 26th.  We are so proud of her.  This is a huge leap of faith!  She's amazing.  

Geraldo and Michelle passed their interviews and were soooo ready for baptism! :) Yay!  The Elders were so impressed with how faithful they were and how excited!  its amazing.  Tesla was telling us that earlier that day she was talking to Michelle and she told her that she didn't want to be baptized. Michelle has been having a really rough time.  Before we started teaching her, she had a lot of depression.  Tesla is sooo grateful for the gospel that has been brought into Michelle's life.  She has seen a tremendous change in her.  We have seen her countenance change as well.  The gospel is amazing!

Friday, not much happened .. but there was a really funny experience.  I woke up because I could hear someone in the house doing something.  I looked at Sister Lightheart's bed and she was gone.  I was really confused because I felt like we had only been sleeping for 5 minutes.  She came out of her bathroom, turned on the light and was getting ready to exercise.  I was soooo confused.  I looked at her and asked her if the alarm had gone off because I hadn't heard it.  We looked at the time.. its was 12:30. We laughed and got back in bed and went to sleep.  Needless to say, Friday was interesting because both of us were sooo tired. 

Saturday G**** called us crying.  V***** called and told her that he had met another lady and he was moving in with her.  He was going to come get his stuff on Monday.  She was so heartbroken so we went over and taught her a lesson.  We taught her that she needs to pray for strength and that God has a plan for all of His children.  She was so sad that she made herself physically ill.  It was so sad. :( I felt so bad for her but we reminded her that it was happening for a reason and it was probably for the best. She told us that she wasn't going to come to church but because we came to see her, she would come for us. :)  (It's not for us... its for her. :) 

DORIS WENT TO THE TEMPLE AND LOVED IT!  She told us that she is planning to go back again really soon.  Its just hard when you live so far away and don't have a car.  She is so wonderful!  
I love her!

Sunday, Wow, a lot happened.  GERALDO AND MICHELLE were baptized.  Our ward had 5 baptisms.  The Elders had 2, we had 2 and then there was an 8 year old.  It was sooo crazy.  It was wonderful though.  Geraldo and Michelle couldn't stop smiling.  It was so cute.  I was so happy for them. 
Tesla, Hermana Snow, Michelle, Pablo, Geraldo, Hermana Lightheart, Jose
Best Sunday Ever
Michelle and Hermana Snow

Now for a crazy story.  Our ward mission leader is like our best friend.  He helps the missionaries so much and he wants to be involved.  His wife is a nonmember and for 10 years has been really against the church.  He asked her to come with him last week to see him baptize Doris because they are pretty good friends.  So she came.  Afterwards, the Elders talked to her a little bit and she said that she was open to learning more.  WHAT?  They were planning to go see her but things happened and they weren't able to see her.  But one day she was driving and got really lost and ended up at the temple. OK.  MIRACLE.  She called her husband and said, "I want to get baptized this Sunday and I want to go to the temple with you and I want to be sealed to you forever.  You are mine and I don't want to lose you."  MIRACLE.  So the Elders taught her everything Saturday night and she was baptized! :)  It was so awesome.  She was so happy!  Oh... it was the Primary program too.  BEST SUNDAY EVER! :)

I love being a missionary.  We all have times of trial and tribulation, but with the Lord on our side... who can be against us.  NO ONE.  Keep strong and firm in the faith!  I know that the Lord wants to bless all of His children, but we must be willing to sacrifice for it.  Keep working hard.

I love you all!

Con Amor,

Hermana Snow